Before the application, the person is put to sleep with light anesthesia. The gastric balloon is placed in the stomach through camera called an endoscope. If there is no obstacle to balloon placement, the balloon is placed in the stomach and inflated with half a liter of special liquid. The gastric balloon is inserted in about 15 minutes and you can leave the hospital after 1-2 hours. It does not require hospitalization, you can return to your normal life on the same day. After about six months or 12 months, the balloon is removed from the stomach throug endoscopy.
VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’. It is a liposuction technique that uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fat cells, making them easier to extract through small incisions (0.5cm). Then, the melted fats are taken out of the body through cannulas. Since Vaser targets fat cells, unlike other methods, it does not damage connective tissues. Vaser liposuction is preferred to dissolve fats that resist to diet and exercise. Thus Vaser liposuction can be effectively applied in many areas for adults who have stubborn fat.
The cost of this surgery depends on the areas to be treated. You can contact us and get an online consultation.